Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Special Award for scene movement and choreography

Monday 27 September Musicians without Borders participated in the 10th Youth Theater Festival Republic Srpska, with the performance 'Beasts and Beauties'. Nine other youth theater groups participated in the festival.

The jury was very positive about Beasts and Beauties. The performance was something different, using live music very refreshing for theater in Bosnia Herzegovina and the choreography was on a high level. 

The jury awarded Beasts and Beauties with a special award for scene movement and choreography. Congratulations Aleksandra, Jana, Marizela, Verica, Filip and Maja (actors), Marko, Aleksandar and Toni (musicians), Denis and Marko (technicians), Nela, Rosie and Giselle (directors)!

'Beasts and Beauties' is collaboration between B-Smisao, Opera Circus, Youth Council Srebrenica and Musicians without Borders. 

Conference after the performance
The refreshment of theater in BiH
Aleksandra in full concentration

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Drmajmo Kaldrmom - Back stage, volunteers in action

9:00 Warming up volunteers
9:30 putting the banner
10:00 Preparing Small School of Painting
13:00 Volunteers enjoying during workshops with children
14:00 Creative volunteers
17:30 After long beautiful day

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The item in 'Ritam Srebrenice' about the performance 'Beast and Beauties' starts at 7:44min

If the video doesn't open, you can see the item here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRgohLqnw48

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

18/8 Drmajmo Kaldrmom! - Let’s shake the road!

The third anniversary of the Children's Music Theater is celebrated with the event 'Drmajmo Kaldrmom' - 'Let's shake the road' at the Guber in Srebrenica. 83 Children from Srebrenica, Potocari, Pale, Osat, Ljeskovik and Zutica participated. Children from the villages came by organized busses to Srebrenica.

The culture-nature event started in the park with playing different games. After it the children went in groups towards the Guber, where different activities took place like painting stones (and making music with them), face painting, rap, drum and theater workshops. The groups were mixed groups of children from Srebrenica and children from the villages. This gave the opportunity for the children to meet each other.

At the end of the day children went to the Cultural Center to see an animation film, part of the short film festival organized by Prijatelji Srebrenice. The anniversary was a big success. Children had lot's of fun and went tired, but very happy, homewards after the beautiful day.

A lot of people and organizations made this day possible. Musicians without Borders got big support of the Youth Council, the Scouts, Amica and Sara. And not to forget the more then 30 volunteers who made this day possible. Without their support this day couldn't be organized. Thank you all!

Drmajmo Kaldrmom!

Theater workshop
Making music
Making sounds
Painting stones
Rapping and making music with stones

16/9 Bitef Polifonija Festival in Belgrade

Jana Djukanovic and Filip Jokanovic, workshopleaders for MwB and actors in the play Beast and Beauties, were invited to give a presentation about the work in Srebrenica during the Bitef Polifonija Festival in Belgrade. It was a great honor for the young delegation from Srebrenica to participate in the this big theater festival. The audience was very surprised to see the positive energy and power these young people from Srebrenica. Besides the presentation Jana and Filip got the opportunity to see the performance Limes from Teatar Mimart, a big experiences what opened their eyes regarding possibilities with theater.

13/9 Performance 'Beasts and Beauties'

Monday 13 September the performance Beasts and Beauties took place in the Youth Center in Srebrenica. The Youth Center was filled until his limits with children, youth and adults. More then 120 people came to see the performance. After the performance a party was organized for all participants, family and friends.

Over the last four years the youth theater group from Srebrenica, B-Smisao, was in-active. This performance, which is organized in close cooperation with Musicians without Borders, the Opera Circus and the Youth Council, reactivated the youth theater in Srebrenica. Hopefully a lot of new plays will be made in the future.

Monday, September 13, 2010

General Rehearsal "Beasts and Beauties"

Today Nela, director from Theater Mimeart Belgrade, came to Srebrenica for the general rehearsal of 'Beasts and Beauties'. The whole day the actors, musicians and technicians worked hard to finalize the performance. Everybody is invited for the performance at Monday 13 September at 19:30 at the Youth Center in Srebrenica.
Sasa and four of the actors
The technicians
Lis from Musicians without Borders UK interviews Filip

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Concert in Srebrenica with video connection is cancelled (10/09/’10)

We’re sorry to inform you the concert at Friday 10 September in the Cultural Center, Srebrenica, have been cancelled. It is not possible to make a strong enough internet connection in the small village in the Netherlands where the concert will take place. To be still part of the concert in the Netherlands the children from Srebrenica will make a video clip, which will be shown during the concert. The children from the Netherlands will make a video clip of the concert. In this way the children can meet each other via video exchange. Later this year we will try to realize the live connection.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rebuilding Guber

Last Thursday a company started with huge rebuilding activities at the Guber. This was a big shock for the organization of ‘Drmajmo Kaldrmom’. The big playground is totally destroyed as you can see on the pictures. No change of having here activities at the 18th of September. But we found solution. In cooperation with the company we will prepare  another nice playground where we can do our music activities (Argentarija). And children will get the possibility to see the working activities at the Guber in a save way. On the road up to the Guber we will organize lots of small activities in cooperation with our partner organizations. In this way Drmajmo Kaldrmom, will be different then we planned, but it will go on!

Guber one week ago...
Guber now
Yes, it's a bit different...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Circus "Cap Carap“

From 31th August till 4th of September the Austrian organization ‘Bauern helfen Bauern’ organized a circus camp in Potocari. Three young drummers from Musicians without Borders performed in the Gala performance, together with their drum teacher Toni. They animated the audience and made a great show.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Drmajmo kaldrmom! - Let’s shake the road!

The first edition of ‘Drmajmo kaldrmom!’ will take place at 18 September 2010. The path leading to the Guber, the spring water spa area, will change this day into a happy street with carnival percussion, face painting, musical and visual art workshops, living sculptures, painting rocks and more.

All children from Srebrenica are invited, together with their family. Busses will be arranged for children from the villages.

Musicians without Borders is organizing the event in close cooperation with Amorika Srebrenici (scouts), Amica, Sara, Savjet Mladih (Youth Counsil), Kuca Povjerenja (House of Trust), Srebrenica ’99, primary school “Petar Petrović Njegoš” and the primary school “Kosta Todorović” Skelani.

In partnership with the NGO “Prijatelji Srebrenice” and within their “Film Festival Silver Tape”, the day will close with an animation movie for children participating in the community work.

12:00 Gathering in the park
12:15 – 14:30 Activities at the Guber
14:30 – 15:00 Music workshop for all participants at the Guber (percussion, rap, dance)
16:00 – 17:00 Animation movie in Cultural Center

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Letter of Rosie - theater director

What a fantastic experience I've just had in Srebrenica -  two and a half weeks spent with creative and motivated young people who talk and listen to each other well and are generally willing to try new ideas and come up with their own creative suggestions.   My approach is very much about the young people taking ownership of the project and their company and understanding why and how we should develop the various sections of Beast and Beauties.  I believe together we achieved this.  We had good discussions, some grumpy moments and much laughter too; it was great also to spend time with them over lunches and wonderful that they so generously took me to the river Drina with them. We discussed theatre as a gift to others, remembering what the intention of the piece is – both artistically and socially .  They learnt about storyboarding and played with this to decide where and why the sequence of scenes happened, what additional material was required.  We explored image theatre, Laban efforts and characterisation using physicality, gesture and sound, experimented working with masks as well as making masks and props and appreciating the various aspects of stagecraft and production.  We went up into the woods to create a 3 minute film for projection - wonderful to work in the landscape and use this to add meaning to the piece.  We spent time discussing marketing and promotion, creating a plan for this with allocated responsibilities as well as writing a lighting plan and other production responsibilities that were allocated to each member of the company.  By the end of last week they had a good understanding of the process of creating a piece using the themes and concepts of the story from impro / workshop through devising / developing / rehearsing / performance and consideration of all that could be included in this.  The young musicians are a delight - very talented and helped to integrate music into the piece to give added value, interest and meaning.  The rap is fantastic and it was wonderful as these guys, with help and guidance from Marijke, really became integrated with the others, so everyone was valued and respected by each other.  This is a total theatre piece and aspects of this felt very new to the young people and at times challenging but with perseverence produced great results.  
Highlights of my time spent includes - creating the film in the woods, swimming and diving in the Drina, (including the journey in the crazy overfilled Combi), the laughing and crying game, teaching zip, zap, boing to an adult group including 6 hefty young German visitors, drinking and socialising with such wonderful people in the Rock Cafe, sharing time and an apartment with the completely glorious and inspirational Tanja.
I hope and believe the performance on 13th September will be a great success and that more young people are inspired to join the group, that this develops into a complete theatre company incorporating theatre, music and film in future productions, that the company continues to have the courage to take risks, try new approaches, reflect and explore issues important to them and the community of Srebenica.  It's not always an easy journey but hard work and dedication results in a really creative quality outcome.
I look forward very much to returning sometime in the near future and working together again.  Thank you for being such wonderful people and for the generous and warm hospitality received from everyone.